The ECPC Annual General Meeting 2015 took place at the Renaissance Hotel in Brussels, Belgium, from the 19th to the 21st June.
Annual General Meeting 2015 documents
Introduction to ECPC’s initiatives in Immuno-Oncology
Speakers’ Presentations
Opening Session
European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Dr Vytenis Andriukaitis
Video Message to the ECPC AGM 2015
Prof Francesco De Lorenzo
The added value of ECPC policy work
Ms Shirley Bianca
Message of Hope (videopresentation)
Music from the album “The Story in Mind” composed by Kai-nan Huang, performed by Paul Cibis
Session 1: The role of medical nutrition during and after cancer treatment
Prof Maurizio Muscaritoli
Results of the ECPC Nutrition project and future developments
Prof Andre’ Van Gossum
The role of nutrition in fighting cancer
Katharina Stang
Importance of nutrition for pancreatic cancer
Natacha Bolanos
ECPC Survey on Nutrition: Best models for dissemination – The example of GEPAC, Spain
Session 2: Immuno-Oncology: promises, advantages and risks of the 4th pillar of cancer therapy
Prof Burcak Karaka
The role of immuno-oncology in the future of cancer treatments
Prof Heinz Zwierzina
CDDF: a multistakeholder collaboration to speed up access of European patients to immuno-oncology therapies
Szymon Chrostowski
A European Citizens’ Coalition for Immuno-Oncology
Francesco Florindi
ECPC educational initiatives in the field of Immuno-Oncology
Session 3: Clinical Trials
Anastassia Negrouk
Clinical Trials 101: the basics behind clinical research
Laura Pioppo
EU clinical trials portal and Union database – EMA’s cooperation with stakeholders
Prof Nora Kearney
eSMART: mHealth in cancer supportive care
Mateusz Tylicki
How to find clinical trials: ECPC search engine
Session 4: Inequalities in cancer care: input from the ECPC members on the first draft of the paper on “Europe of Disparities”
Prof Mark Lawler
Europe of Disparities
Session 5: EuroCanPlatform Project
Dr Julio E. Celis
What will EuroCanPlatform mean to both patients and institutions
Session 6: Hanover Communications’ top tips for improving the social media engagement of patient organisations
Davide Marchi
Social Media Tips for Cancer Patients’ Associations
ECPC General Assembly Documents – Approved
Minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting
Annexes to the 2014 Annual General Meeting Minutes
ECPC Audit Committee Report 2014
ECPC Bank Account Balance June 2015
New ECPC statute, approved by the General Assembly
Media coverage of the Annual General Meeting:
- Allarme malati tumore, 70% preoccupati da nutrizione – Medicina – Salute e Benessere –
- Tumori, esperto: “C’è ancora molto da fare” sul fronte nutrizione
- Giornale di Sicilia: Malati di tumore, il 70% è preoccupato da cosa e quando mangiare – Giornale di Sicilia
- Online news: TUMORI/ Allarme pazienti, il 70% preoccupato dalla nutrizione | Online-News
- The ECPC community: connecting policies to everyday life