Why it matters for patients
ECPC strongly believes that patients must be informed in order to take an active role in the decision-making concerning their treatment and we have developed this tool to allow patients to do so. A biosimilar is a highly similar copy of an off-patent biological medicine which is already available on the market under a different trademark. Biosimilars have the potential to increase access to medicines by improving the financial sustainability of our healthcare systems.
This patient toolkit has been developed by ecancer in collaboration with the European Cancer Patient Coalition to provide patients with a comprehensive resource on biosimilar medicines. Six interactive modules provide key information and practical advice to support you in making informed decisions for your treatment and are available in German, French, Italian and Spanish.
“Learn what a biosimilar medicine is and how you can be involved in decisions about your cancer treatment”
How to make the most of this tool
If you represent one of ECPC’s member organisations, we encourage you to share this e-learning tool with your colleagues. If you are affected by cancer and you wish to get involved, we encourage you to contact one of our members in your country, the contact details of whom you can find in our members’ database. Go through each of the six e-learning modules in order and test or further increase your knowledge by using the links below to find even more in-depth information on biosimilars. The European Cancer Patient Coalition gratefully acknowledges the support of Pfizer and Sandoz. The scope and the content remain the sole responsibility of ecancer and the European Cancer Patient Coalition.