HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions

Granting authority: European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Grant managed through EU Funding & Tenders Portal.

1 November 2022 - 31 October 2027 (60 months)

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Nederlands


Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Nederlands

Stichting Het Nederlands Kanker Instituutantoni Van Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis, Nederlands

Julius Clinical Research BV, Nederlands

Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Universitatsklinikum Heidelberg, Germany

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg, Germany

Deutsche Sporthochschule Koln, Germany

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Germany

European Cancer Patient Coalition, Belgium

Fundación Onkologikoa Fundazioa, Spain

Asociación Instituto Biodonostia, Spain

Associacao de Investigacao de Cuidados de Suporte em Oncologia, Portugal


Cabrini Australia, Australia

Why it matters?

PREFERABLE-II contributes to improving the QoL of cancer survivors by lowering the burden of side effects, while also improving availability, access and awareness of exercise-based supportive care interventions.

What ECPC does

ECPC is part of the set-up and execution of a tele-system, LION-RCT that may guide and facilitate personalised sports programmes for patient survivors. Other roles will cover the analysis of the outcomes, the understanding of social and legal aspects of remote exercise for survivors and the communication of standards for exercise in oncology. In addition, it will contribute to the dissemination and exploitation of the project.

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This project is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No 101057059.