Why it matters for patients
In 2021, the European Cancer Patient Coalition developed a toolkit with valuable information on Personalised Medicine. Our booklet “Personalised Medicine: A guide for patients” and our Campaign Toolkit, which includes an explanatory infographic for patients, were translated to 11 different languages.
In 2020, ECPC promoted the importance of access to cancer molecular testing during a month-long advocacy campaign, “Cracking the Cancer Code”. Too many people diagnosed with cancer do not have access to the personalised treatment they need and deserve.
ECPC launched the first ever Personalised Medicine Awareness Month in 2018 with the goal of raising awareness of, and increasing access to, molecular and biomarker testing in cancer care across Europe. ECPC and our member organisations believe that people living with cancer should be informed about all available treatment options and be empowered to make the best decisions for their health, together with their healthcare team. That’s why ECPC is working towards ensuring all Europeans with cancer and at risk of getting cancer have appropriate access to cancer molecular testing. This will help to promote better diagnosis, more targeted follow-up and a truly personalised treatment.
Each year, over 3 million people are diagnosed with cancer in Europe. We need governments to ensure the means to identify people who may benefit from more effective targeted cancer treatment, and avoid treatment-related toxicity where possible, all whilst helping to ensure the sustainability of our healthcare systems.
“Molecular testing allows a doctor to personalise cancer care for patients, identifying the right treatment for the right patient at the right time. In some countries molecular testing is not reimbursed or available to all people with cancer. This needs to change.’’
What ECPC adds
Throughout the month of November, ECPC will promote the importance of access to cancer molecular testing during a campaign – ‘Cracking the Cancer Code’. Join us and help us raise awareness and promote the right for all cancer patients to have access to the personalised medicine they need and deserve.
ECPC has developed a guide to help our member patient organisations and all supporters to participate in the Personalised Medicine Awareness Month campaign and make the most of the tools and materials. Whether you are a patient organisation, healthcare professional, patient or friend, you can find different ways to help us promote the campaign and raise awareness in your country!
Click here to download the Campaign Action Toolkit 2021 in English
Click here to download the Booklet “Personalised Medicine: A Guide for Patients” in English
Personalised Medicine Awareness Month 2021 Campaign
Campaign Action Toolkit 2021
Available translations can be found here:
- Czech: Personalised Awareness Month Campaign 2021 (CZ)
- German: Personalised Awareness Month Campaign 2021 (DE)
- Greek: Personalised Awareness Month Campaign 2021 (EL)
- Spanish: Personalised Awareness Month Campaign 2021 (ES)
- Finnish: Personalised Awareness Month Campaign 2021 (FI)
- French: Personalised Awareness Month Campaign 2021 (FR)
- Italian: Personalised Awareness Month Campaign 2021 (IT)
- Lithuanian: Personalised Awareness Month Campaign 2021 (LT)
- Dutch: Personalised Awareness Month Campaign 2021 (NL)
- Polish: Personalised Awareness Month Campaign 2021 (PL)
- Romanian: Personalised Awareness Month Campaign 2021 (RO)
Booklet “Personalised Medicine: A Guide for Patients”
Available translations can be found here:
- Czech: Personalised Medicine Booklet 2021 (CZ)
- German: Personalised Medicine Booklet 2021 (DE)
- Greek: Personalised Medicine Booklet 2021 (EL)
- Spanish: Personalised Medicine Booklet 2021 (ES)
- Finnish: Personalised Medicine Booklet 2021 (FI)
- French: Personalised Medicine Booklet 2021 (FR)
- Italian: Personalised Medicine Booklet 2021 (IT)
- Lithuanian: Personalised Medicine Booklet 2021 (LT)
- Dutch: Personalised Medicine Booklet 2021 (NL)
- Polish: Personalised Medicine Booklet 2021 (PL)
- Romanian: Personalised Medicine Booklet 2021 (RO)
Social Media Material
Please download the social media calendar and the visuals for the campaign in English. Feel free to share the message across your networks!
Available translations of the social media cards with the glossary of terms can be found here:
- Czech: Social Media Cards 2021 (CZ)
- German: Social Media Cards 2021 (DE)
- Greek: Social Media Cards 2021 (EL)
- Spanish: Social Media Cards 2021 (ES)
- Finnish: Social Media Cards 2021 (FI)
- French: Social Media Cards 2021 (FR)
- Italian: Social Media Cards 2021 (IT)
- Lithuanian: Social Media Cards 2021 (LT)
- Dutch: Social Media Cards 2021 (NL)
- Polish: Social Media Cards 2021 (PL)
- Romanian: Social Media Cards 2021 (RO)