RIA (Research and Innovation Action)
PIONEER is funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) 2, set up under Big Data for Better Outcomes (BD4BO), part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme, and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA). Grant Agreement No 777492.
01/05/2018 – 30/09/2023 (5 years)
University of Aberdeen
Astellas Pharma Europe BV, Leiden, Netherlands
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft, Leverkusen, Germany
Covance Laboratories LTD, Harrogate, United Kingdom
IMS Information Solutions Medical Research Limited
Janssen Pharmaceutica Nv, Beerse, Belgium
Nv SAS Institute SA, Tervuren, Belgium
Orion Oyj, Espoo, Finland
Universities, research organisations, public bodies and non-profit groups
Association Eisbm, Vourles, France
Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
European Alliance for Personalised Medicine Asbl, Brussels, Belgium
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Aisbl, Brussels, Belgium
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V., Munich, Germany
Goeteborgs Universitet, Gothenburg, Sweden
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, United Kingdom
King’s College London, London, United Kingdom
Lunds Universitet, Lund, Sweden
Stichting Katholieke Universiteit, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Tampereen Korkeakoulusaatio Sr
Technische Universitaet Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Universities, research organisations, public bodies and non-profit groups
The University Court of the University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy
Universitaetsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Weizmann Institute of Science LTD, Rehovot, Israel
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-sized companies (<€500 m turnover)
Ihe, Institutet For Halso- Och Sjukvardsekonomi Aktiebolag, Lund, Sweden
International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement LTD, London, United Kingdom
Pinsent Masons LLP, London, United Kingdom
Stichting European Urological Foundation, Arnhem, Netherlands
The Ecancer Global Foundation, Bristol, United Kingdom
The Hyve BV, Utrecht, Netherlands
Ttopstart BV, Bilthoven, Netherlands
Patient organisations
European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC), Brussels, Belgium
Why it matters
Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second leading cause of cancer in men, accounting for 9% of all cancer deaths among men in Europe. The socio-economic burden associated with it is predicted to dramatically increase in the coming years due to aging. Currently, it is hard to predict which patients will respond best to different treatments, and which patients can be managed safely without undergoing treatment.
PIONEER is one of the BD4BO disease-specific projects and serves as the European Network of Excellence for Big Data in Prostate Cancer. The project is using big data to address key knowledge gaps related to screening, diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer by standardising and integrating already existing big data in clinical trials and electronic health records from diverse populations of prostate cancer patients across different stages of the disease into a single, innovative data platform. PIONEER is working for meaningful improvement in clinical practice, improved health outcomes and increased health-system efficiency by providing evidence-based data, so patients can benefit from the best possible care.
“It is vital to have a prostate cancer awareness campaign at European and national level. Treat the patient, not the cancer.”
What ECPC does
ECPC is contributing to the overall project by providing a voice to prostate cancer patients through offering expert patient input and advice during the entire life cycle of the project. The participation of ECPC ensures that the patients engage in their disease management, thus leading to better treatment adherence and improved Quality of Life (QoL). This includes and is not limited to reviewing informed consent forms, surveys, study protocols and guidelines, setting up patient focus groups, drafting patient information leaflets and brochures, and the successful communication and dissemination of the project’s deliverables. ECPC is also working to ensure that the visual identity of PIONEER is aligned with the branding of the DO-IT communication and support action for all BD4BO projects supported by the IMI.
This project is funded by the European Union