Why it matters
The CCI4EU initiative aligns with the recommendations of the Mission on Cancer’s objective to transform cancer culture, communication, and capacity building. This European project seeks to foster a more equitable distribution of cancer-related knowledge across Member States and Associated Countries, spanning prevention, diagnosis, and care. Acknowledging the disparity in “Comprehensive Cancer Centre maturity,” the project aims to enhance or establish these centers, focusing on research innovation and digital integration with cancer care. Over a 3-year span, CCI4EU endeavors to standardize performance indicators, map the maturity of cancer centers, develop tailored Capacity Building Programs (CBPs), implement interventions, and disseminate best practices. The overarching goal is to ensure that 90% of eligible cancer patients have access to Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures by 2030, contributing to a more unified and effective cancer care landscape.
What ECPC does
ECPC is contributing to the overall project, making patient voice a major part of deciding which quality indicators in CCIs are important in meeting patients’ interests, how the interventions are to be tailored to include empowerment at all levels for patients, and in evaluating the success and benefit of the capacity-building interventions.

Funded by the European Union – Horizon Europe Grant Agreement n. 101103746v