This project is funded by Horizon 2020

01/01/2021 - 12/31/2025 (5 years)



Aalto Korkeakoulusaatio Sr, Finland

Biobanks And Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure Consortium (Bbmri-Eric), Austria

Csc-Tieteen Tietotekniikan Keskus Oy, Finland

European Cancer Patient Coalition, Belgium

European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany

Hasso-Plattner-Institut Fur Digital Engineering Ggmbh, Germany

Helsingin Ja Uudenmaan Sairaanhoitopiirin Kuntayhtymä, Finland

Ibm Research Gmbh, China

Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Ntnu, Norway

Tartu Ulikool, Estonia

Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany

The Chancellor Masters And Scholarsof The University Of Cambridge, UK

The General Hospital Corporation, USA

Ttopstart Bv, Netherlands

Universita Degli Studi Di Siena, Italy

Universita Degli Studi Di Torino, Italy

Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA

Why it matters

The aim of the INTERVENE project is to develop and test next generation tools for disease prevention, diagnosis and personalised treatment by utilizing the first US-European pool of genomic and health data. The project aims to integrate longitudinal and disease-relevant omics data into genetic risk scores. If successful, the potential for prediction, diagnosis and personalised treatments for complex and rare diseases will be unprecedented. This project will demonstrate the potential and benefits of powerful AI technologies on the next generation of integrative genetic scores (IGS).

“The potential and benefits of powerful AI technologies will revolutionize the possibilities of personalized medicine in cancer prediction, diagnosis and treatments.”

Juan-José Ventura, ECPC Senior Health and Research Projects Manager

What ECPC does

ECPC is involved in the ethical and legal framework that will be developed for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and genetics making sure that the patient voices are being represented and incorporated. We are responsible for patient involvement and also serves as a strong partner in communication and dissemination of the project and its results.

This project is funded by the European Union