Why patients matter

ECPC, the largest non-profit European cancer patient umbrella organization, works for a Europe where all patients have timely and affordable access to the best treatment and care available. We believe that cancer patients are the most important factors in the fight against cancer and against all the cancer-related issues affecting our society. Policy-makers, researchers, doctors and industry should recognise cancer patients as the co-creators of their own health.

What ECPC does

The European Cancer Patient Coalition works by developing 3-year, multi-annual strategies. After conducting internal consultations with Board Members and reviewing patient advocacy group strategies and best practices, we develop a final strategy to increase the impact of the organisation and establish long-term aspirations. The strategy also streamlines activities, enabling a time of sustained growth. The main objective is to firmly establish ourselves as the main voice of cancer patients in Europe and focus on activities that ensure patients play a leading role in the development of healthcare programmes in Europe.

We also aim to strengthen organisations’ capacity-building and increase the connections between us and our members. Through advocacy activities, fundraising and campaigns, we offer a unique doorway to a vast array of opportunities at a European level, utilising established connections and channels and reaching audiences through Member States. Additionally, high-quality educational material on crucial topics like nutrition, survivorship and self-care are produced to provide members with support in their activities and dissemination of information. We exist to serve our members and we aim to do this through mobilisation, research and education to develop, implement and advocate patient empowerment at the national, regional and global level!


Become a Member

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