How ECPC gets funded

As a non-profit organisation, we are funded through different channels. This includes EU Funding, Private Foundations and Industry Funding. We believe in the value of multidisciplinary cooperation. Our funding policy builds on the expertise gained through participation in numerous projects funded by different sources and on collaboration between Institutional and Private Partners.

We are one of only a few cancer patient organisations whose ongoing activities include active involvement in the design and implementation of EU-funded research projects.

Through industry funding, we welcome financial support from companies provided that the relationships between us and the commercial companies are based on the following principles:

Independence: We are the independent voice of Europeans with cancer, devoid of any for-profit activities. We retain editorial control over any material produced.

Transparency: We believe it is important to establish and maintain accountable and transparent relationships with commercial companies.

Unconditionality: Relationships with commercial companies are based on mutual respect while preserving our independence and integrity. Any funding from companies must be committed to the benefit of those with cancer, must not entail adverse publicity, and can in no way influence our policy, positions or decisions.

Mutual Respect: We see our funders as ‘partners in healthcare’ encouraging active partnerships between people with cancer and health professionals. We believe that those with cancer are the co-creators of their own health and are therefore the key partner in all activities related to them.

Central to our mission is undertaking projects that bring significant value to our members and providing support to Europeans affected by cancer. As such, we value our independence in making choices based on the needs and perspectives of those affected by cancer and do not undertake any activities for third parties or take action that is not in the interest of the people with cancer. The financial management of ECPC is overseen by our elected Audit Committee which is responsible for approving ECPC budgets.

“The European Cancer Patient Coalition’s policy initiatives highlight varied scientific expertise gained through participation in key EU funded projects and is, specifically, founded on mutual collaboration of Institutional Partners and active Members.’’

Antonella Cardone – ECPC Director

Principles and Good Practices

European Patient Organisations have developed a transparent Code of Practice to guide relations between organisations and the industry, including their representatives and consultants. We encourage all patient organisations to adopt this code when engaging in a dialogue, working partnership or joint initiative and/or when accepting support from any funding source. This will help establish guidelines and values in relation to conflict of interest and good governance. We expect all signatories to adhere to this code which may be revised as circumstances change. This code does not intend to cover every possible opportunity for relationship but rather to define a set of basic principles and recommendations. As a patients’ organisation, we are open to work in a constructive manner together with all stakeholders to ensure that the credibility of patient groups is safeguarded.
