• ENSP-ECPC Webinar: Tobacco Treatment Delivery in cancer patients in Europe

    Date: 19 October 2020

    Time: 13:00 to 14:00 CET

    Location: Webinar

    We are inviting you to attend our online webinar on Tobacco Treatment Delivery in cancer patients in Europe which will take place on Monday, 19th October 2020 from 13:00 to 14:00 CET

    In collaboration with the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention, this symposium aims at addressing the importance of smoking cessation during or after cancer treatment, highlighting the feasibility, availability, cost-effectiveness and efficacy in cancer treatment success and cancer recovery.

    Great progress has been recorded in cancer care during the past years. Although, it is well established that approximately 30% of cancer deaths are directly caused by smoking and there are evidence-based interventions including behavioural therapy available which can double or triple the rates of successful quitting, they are often neglected and are not incorporated in cancer treatment and recovery.

    Continuing smoking after diagnosis affects the treatment outcomes, increases the mortality rates after treatment and the recurrence of cancer while increases the risk of a new cancer. On the other hand, quitting smoking after the cancer diagnosis can improve the treatment outcomes, prolong survival, and reduce the risk for new cancers.

    Join our webinar to learn more about this topic!

    Please register until 18th October 2020, 20:00 CET

    We really look forward to seeing you online!

    Please click here to join our webinar live

    Click here to see the preliminary agenda and more information about our speakers.

  • ECPC Online Webinar: Biosimilars E-module

    • Date: 13th October 2020
    • Time: 15:00 to 16:00 CET
    • Location: Webinar

    We are inviting you to attend our online webinar “Biosimilars Explained: What Patients Need To Know” which will take place on Tuesday, 13th October 2020 from 15:00 to 16:00 CET.

    The online event will have a special focus on biosimilars and its potential to increase access to treatments. We are pleased to inform you that Arnold G. Vulto, Em. Professor of Hospital Pharmacy & Practical Therapeutics at Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam will be presenting at the event.

    ECPC strongly believes that patients must take an active role during their treatment and the interactive modules on biosimilar medicine will provide patients with valuable knowledge.

    The e-learning module has been developed by ecancer in collaboration with ECPC and it provides key information and practical advice to support patients in making informed decisions for their treatment.

    Do you want to learn what a biosimilar medicine is and how you can be involved in decisions about your cancer treatment? Please register until 12th October 2020, 20:00 CET. We really look forward to seeing you there! Register Here.

    Join our webinar to learn more about this patient toolkit!

    Please click here to join our webinar live! 

    Click here to see the preliminary agenda and more information about our speakers.


  • European Code of Cancer Practice: Translations & Resources

    The European Code of Cancer Practice (The Code) is a citizen and patient-centred accessible, widely disseminated statement of the core requirements for good clinical cancer practice, in order to improve outcomes for all of Europe’s cancer patients. It has been co-produced by a team of cancer professionals, cancer patients and patient advocates.

    While it is intended that The Code will be of value to a wide audience of citizens, patients and healthcare professionals, it is focussed on informing and assisting cancer patients (paediatric, adolescent and adult) at all stages of their cancer journey. The Code sets out a series of 10 key overarching rights, and in particular signposts what patients should expect from their health system, in order for them to achieve the best possible outcomes. It is an empowerment tool and a resource to ensure the best available care is delivered for European citizens and patients.

    Each of the 10 overarching rights is linked to three questions that a patient (or for paediatric patients their parent/guardian) may choose to ask their healthcare professionals. Each right is supported by a short section of Explanation (one page, <500 words) which is intended to be accessible to cancer patients and to all other interested parties including citizens, carers, parents/guardians, advocates and healthcare professionals. The rights are based on the best available medical evidence and this is summarised in a supporting paper on the Medical Literature and Evidence upon which the recommendations of The Code are based.

    Cancer prevention and screening are a vital and cost-effective part of any initiative to control many cancers and reduce the number of deaths from cancer across Europe. The European Code of Cancer Practice therefore complements the European Code Against Cancer which identifies the twelve key steps that all European citizens should take to reduce their risk of cancer. For more information about the European Code Against Cancer visit the website of the Association of European Cancer Leagues here.

    The Code is made available through the European Cancer Organisation. Each of the 10 overarching rights have been translated into different European languages and made available in hard copy and online here. The Medical Literature and Evidence Supporting Paper is also available online here.

    The Code and supporting material are “living documents” which will be constantly revised to ensure that they capture the most up-to-date requirements of European citizens and patients, supported by a comprehensive and balanced insight into the existing and emerging evidence that supports the Codes. In this way, the Code will not only function as a support and advisory document for a wide range of individuals and organisations, but also become the focus of constant critical appraisal and updating of the evidence base that will be essential to underpin continuing improvements in outcomes for Europe’s cancer patients.

  • EHFG 2020: Dancing with elephants New partnerships for health, democracy, business

    • Date: 30 September - 2 October
    • Time: 9.00 - 21.00
    • Location: Webinar

    The determinants of health and well-being are often driven by the interests of big players, which are not always aligned with public health agendas. In order to purposefully engage with these giants while safeguarding the interests of people, we need to conceptualise new partnership models – learn to “dance with elephants” – but we should be careful not to get our toes crushed. The COVID-19 pandemic has put into sharp focus the current fault lines in our systems and highlighted the need for true cross-sector and cross-border collaboration.

    This year’s digital edition of the EHFG will bring to life the Gastein spirit in a virtual environment and offer a mix of live sessions and streams, recorded materials, and opportunities to digitally network and brainstorm with other participants as well as actively contribute to live discussions. We will be using the conference platform Brella, created for interactive participation and meaningful networking.

    Join us for the online EHFG 2020 and help us reconceptualise ideas and approaches that are standing in the way of progress. Let’s learn a new dance!

    Register Here.

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