EU HEALTH SUMMIT - Towards an EU Health Union

The EU Health Coalition is delighted to invite you to its 3rd EU Health Summit to map the future of the European Health Union.

The event will build on the stark lessons learned from COVID-19 and discuss how to go beyond the status-quo in health, seizing opportunities to make positive changes. It will ask what it takes to build a successful EU Health Union centered on people, innovation, and value-based care so that Europeans’ health is better protected and our health systems are performant and resilient.

The EU Health Summit will reflect on progress towards reaching the EU Health Coalition’s 2020 recommendations and look at how we can power the change towards a stronger Health Union.

Change always begins by empowering and partnering with people. We hope that you will join us on 15 November so that we can shape the future of health in Europe, together!

Register now


? When: 15 November 2022 ? Where: Flemish Parliament, Brussels (Rue de Louvain 86, 1000 Bruxelles)



The EU Health Coalition is composed of 43 patient organisations, EU research-oriented medical societies, industry organisations, healthcare providers, regional and local health authorities and other relevant stakeholders, who all share a common vision. To find out more about the work of the EU Health Coalition, please visit our website here.