eSMART is funded by the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), part of the European Union's Research and Innovation Action for 2007-2013. Grant Agreement No 602289.

01/02/2014 – 30/01/2019 (5 years)

University of Strathclyde


University of Strathclyde

University of Surrey

University of Athens

King’s College London

University College Dublin

University of California, San Francisco

European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC)

Medical University of Vienna

Sykehuset Innlandet HF


Docobo Ltd

University of Dundee

Why it matters

Cancer incidence and prevalence are growing, resulting in a rise in cancer and socio-economic burden that falls heavily on cancer patients and their families, and healthcare systems. Digital apps can help address this rising burden and be instrumental in the delivery of patient-focused, anticipatory care that improves treatment outcomes and the quality of life of cancer patients.

eSMART is conducting a clinical trial to evaluate the impact of a mobile phone-based symptom management intervention which records patient-reported outcomes and the delivery of care during chemotherapy and 1 year after treatment. eSMART demonstrates the effects of a real-time remote patient monitoring and care system that will help reduce symptoms experienced during chemotherapy and improve quality of life and survivorship. The project results will facilitate changes in clinical practice and lead to improved delivery of cancer care across Europe.

“ECPC is not here only to demand, but also to offer. Patients’ associations can play an important role in health and digital literacy.”

Kathi Apostolidis, Chair of the Scientific Committee

What ECPC does

ECPC participated within the eSMART Project Technical Management Board, the Publications Committee and the Exploitation Committee, offering advice and feedback to ensure that the trial is designed and conducted in line with patient needs and preferences. ECPC also contributed to the communication and dissemination of the project, from communication planning and website development to various outreach activities to disseminate project results, including organising the final eSMART conference.

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This project is funded by the European Union.