What is a Written Declaration?
A written declaration is a text of maximum of 200 words relating exclusively on a matter falling within the competence of the European Union. Written Declarations are strong political instruments in the hands of MEPs, by which they can show the support of the Parliament for a specific topic, problem or request. Even if Written Declarations are not considered acts of the Parliament representing its position, they still have to be signed and supported by at least 50% +1 of all MEPs (376 MEPs) to be approved, therefore confirming their strong political value. Read more on the European Parliament website (click here).
Why a Written Declaration?
Together with MEP Elisabetta Gardini (EPP, Italy) and other 18 MEPs, ECPC devised a strategy to raise the European Parliament’s awareness on the rights of European cancer patients. Strong of the political support of committed MEPs, we agreed that the first step would be to launch a Written Declaration to secure the support of the European Parliament on this issue.
The Written Declaration finds its origin in MEP Gardini’s 4th February Declaration, delivered during a press conference in celebration of the World Cancer Day 2015. That statement was supported by ECPC and by 160 other MEPs (click here to access the list of supporters). The success of that informal statement stirred the momentum in favour of European cancer patients, creating the perfect circumstances for further political successes.
Written Declaration Advocacy Kit
Find your MEPs
Click here to find out who are the MEPs who have been elected in your country/region (phone numbers, emails and addresses included).
Signature form
Click here to downlad the form that Member of the European Parliament have to sign to suppor the Written Declaration.
Model letter to your MEPs
Click here to download a model letter that you can use to contact your MEPs and convince them to sign the Written Declaration:
Translations of the Written Declaration in all EU languages
Click on the links to download the Written Declaration 30/2015 in your languages;
The Written Declaration gathered the support of 257 MEPs and has therefore not been adopted as an official position of the European Parliament. However we consider it was a great opportunity to raise awareness on topics of outmost importance such as HTA and shortages of medicines.