
The European Cancer Patient Coalition supports the UICC campaign to reduce stigma and dispel myths about cancer, under the tagline “Debunk the myths”.

The European Cancer Patient Coalition will participate in this year’s celebration of the World Cancer Day with events both on February 4 as well as during the month.

1. Launch of the European Bill of Cancer Patient’s Rights, to coincide with World Cancer Day, February 4. The launch, hosted by the European Cancer Concord (ECC) and European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) in association with the Members of the European Parliament Against Cancer (MAC) Group, calls for a commitment to tackle the cancer epidemic in Europe which will result in the death of 1 cancer patient every 10 seconds in the next 20-25 years.

2. On February 4, World Cancer Day, you are invited to a tweetchat (live online conversation) to #DebunkTheMyths around cancer at at 11am-12pm EST/5-6pm CET/4-5pm GMT. You can join the online conversation by adding #TacklingCancer to all your tweets.

Themes that will be covered during the tweetchat include:

• Impact of diseases on patients’ lives (starting from the initial symptoms);

• Impact of diseases on family/ caregivers;

• Importance of early diagnosis.

The tweetchat is organized by GEHealthcare and UICC and will be moderated by Kathi Apostolidis, Vice President of ECPC, twitting from @cancereu and @kgapo. See you on Tuesday on #TacklingCancer.

3. ECPC and OECI will organize together the Conference ‘How uniform is cancer care in Europe’. The event will take place on the 18th of February 2014, in the European Parliament.