Two new organisations have joined this week ECPC membership namely, “Quality life with cancer” from Greece and the Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana” from Romania.
Please find below a few details about the new ECPC members. Hopefully they will join us for the General Assembly in Bucharest.
“Quality life with cancer” (ΕΥ ΖΩ ΜΕ ΤΟΝ ΚΑΡΚΙΝΟ) supports patients suffering from neoplastic diseases. It was founded in February 2003 and is based in Heraklion.
The organisation has as goals to:
– improve the conditions of hospitalization of cancer patients and create out-patient support infrastructures;
– create psychological and social support infrastructures;
– fight ignorance and stigma that surrounds cancer.
Their website:
The Romanian Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana”
The Romanian Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana” was set up in May 2011.The association is a non political, independent, non-profit, legal entity that has as a main goal the promotion, organization and representation of the rights and interests of people suffering from cancer in order to increase their quality of life through integrated activities of social, psychological and medical nature.
Their work also involves approaching physicians working in oncology as well as in other related sectors in order to support them in their specialization. The Romanian Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana” thus plays a scientific role, as a kind of catalyst for specialists in the medical world, through the setting up of medical committees, the organization of conferences, exchange of experiences and also by providing access to the latest information.
Although set up in the county of Gorj, the Romanian Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana” does not only work with patients and doctors in this area but also operates at national level.
Their website: