The ERA-NET: Aligning national/regional translational cancer research programmes and activities – TRANSCAN-2 is a five-year project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020: the EU Framework for Programme for Research and Innovation. It is the continuation of the previous ERA-NET on translational cancer research TRANSCAN.
TRANSCAN-2 is a collaborative network of ministries, funding agencies and research councils with programmes in translational cancer research. The network is composed of 28 partners from 19 Countries. The project will run from January 2015 to December 2019.
The ERA-NET TRANSCAN-2 (Aligning national/regional translational cancer research programmes and activities), in continuity with the preceding ERA-NET on translational cancer research TRANSCAN, aims at linking translational cancer research funding programmes among the partners, most of which were also participants in the previous TRANSCAN project. Therefore, the network had already established a model of transnational cooperation encouraging high quality research through competitive funding, as exemplified by the successful implementation of 3 joint transnational calls in the past years. This model allows an efficient use of the dedicated national resources and the coordination of the financial management of multinational research projects aiming as much as possible at the harmonisation of administrative procedures.
ECPC’s role
The European Cancer Patients Coalitionhas been invited to participate in TRANSCAN-2. ECPC is represented by Kathi Apostolidis, ECPC Vice President, in the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), one of the three main governing bodies of the network. The SAB serves as a source of input on and feedback about the work of TRANSCAN-2 and is in close collaboration with the other two bodies: the Network Steering Committee (NSC), as the strategic decision-making body and the Network Coordination Unit (NCU), as the body responsible for the day-to-day management and the external TRANSCAN-2 consortium representation.
Contact Points
ECPC: Kathi Apostolidis, European Cancer Patient Coalition’s Vice President
Project Lead: Dr. Silvia Paradisi, National Institute of Health Italy
TRANSCAN-2 is funded by Horizon 2020: the EU Framework for Programme for Research and Innovation, Grant Agreement N° 643638.
Project Website
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