
The ‘Suomen Syöpäpotilaat ry’ (Association of Finnish cancer patients) is our newest full member! They have been providing psychological and social support to cancer patients in Finland for more than 40 years. In past years, the Association took the initiative to establish 16 patient network groups for different types of cancer including rare cancers. The Association is also a member of the Cancer Society of Finland and represents at a national level all cancer patient groups. Their mission is to reduce the threat of cancer and to secure the best possible care and support for cancer patients and their families during the rehabilitation process.

You can find more information by visiting their webpage: http://www.syopapotilaat.fi/

The other two organisations joining us as associate members are: Asociatia Daruieste Viata from Romania and Gruppo di discussione (e Azione) “Italia – Glioblastoma Multiforme – cancro al cervello” from Italy.

Asociatia Daruieste Viata (Give Life Association) was founded in 2012 by Carmen Uscatu, Oana Gheorghiu and Bianca Voinescu, in order to continue from a professional point of view the mission they took on as volunteers between 2009 and 2012. Their activities are shaped by their mission to create strategic projects that will transform the Romanian medical system and the lives of cancer patients.

Thus, they mainly focus on:

– Fundraising for renovating, equipping and modernizing oncology and onco-paediatrics departments;

– Advocacy for amending laws that act against the patients’ interest;

– Patient counselling, with the help of volunteers, for finding the best treatment solutions, either in Romania or abroad.

In 2013, they created The Happiness Stock Exchange – the first online platform for fund raising, thus showing up front the investment of corporate companies or individuals, for projects that aim to equip and modernize the oncological sections in Romania.

For more information on their work please click on the link: www.daruiesteviata.ro

The Discussion (and Action) Group “Italia – Glioblastoma Multiforme – Brain Cancer” from Italy was founded to break the silence wall among people who have glioblastoma diseases. After several years of observations on websites, forums, blogs, etc., the decision was made to open a window (symbol of the Group) and create this innovative communication tool to pool all the knowledge and best forces and regroup every person involved (any role) in the glioblastoma problem in Italy. The Group is organizing meetings in every region of Italy, to disseminate information of its existence, and to contribute to a new culture of unity in what has been called “War against glioblastoma”.

Visit their Facebook page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/italia.glioblastoma.multiforme

We are very glad to have them on board! All of them are most welcome to attend the General Assembly to take place in Brussels between 19-21 June. We will contact them soon for projects we aim to develop in their member states.