ECPC Annual Congress and AGM 2023
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ECPC Annual Congress and AGM 2022
The ECPC Conference and General Meeting took place on 27 and 28 of May 2022 in the Renaissance Brussels Hotel. The event was organised in hybrid more (online and on site).
About ECPC Conference and General Meeting:
The Conference and General Meeting is the pinnacle of each year for us and our members. With each year bringing new ideas and excitement, we were extremely happy to reunite with our members and partners after the travel restrictions during the COVID19 pandemic and to create a unique experience and outlook for the coming year. Welcoming partners, patient organisations and healthcare professionals from all over Europe and representing different cancer types, we shared the goal of empowering those who are in the fight against cancer and related issues and explored the complexities of cancer and its implications in all aspects of life. The aim? To share best practices and create new partnerships bringing a new momentum to all of our activities!
Encouraging an innovative, forward thinking environment, participants shared, learnt and explored new ideas and approaches with the aim of tackling the challenges facing cancer patients.
During the 2-day event, there was an exciting mix of sessions, workshops, networking breaks and social events, forging connections and friendships that last beyond the congress. Part of our role here at ECPC is to facilitate these important connections to advance the cancer agenda and make the voice of cancer patients heard across Europe. The message was clear: Together we are stronger!
ECPC Annual Conference 2022 – May 27th
Speaker presentations
Congress Opening
- Address of the Health and Food Safety Commissioner – Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
The EU Cancer Plan, the Cancer Mission and patient engagement
Chairs: Kathi Apostolidis, ECPC President; Dr David Ritchie, ECL Cancer Prevention Manager
- What does the Cancer Mission mean for patients? – Denis Horgan, Executive Director of the European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) (online)
- Living Beyond Cancer – 20 Million Reasons why we need to get it right – Mark Lawler, Professor of Digital Health, Queen’s University Belfast, Co-Chair of the European Cancer Organisation’s Special Network on the Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer, Member Scientific Committee European Cancer Patient Coalition
- Cancer Patient organizations involvement in cancer policy and EU Cancer Plan priorities – Charis Girvalaki, ECPC Director
Cancer in the meta-covid era
Chairs: Mark Lawler, ECPC Scientific Committee member; Matti Jarvinen, ECPC Board Secretary
- Sharing Data, Knowledge and Expertise across borders – Jean Yves Blay, Network Director of ERN-EURACAN, ESMO –(online)
- Challenge Cancer Intergroup: Collaboration of MEPs with Members of National Parliaments in the fight against cancer – Cristian Busoi, Member of the European Parliament, Chair of the Challenge Cancer Intergroup (Video message)
- Patient mobility and cancer/JAs – Tit Albreht, Coordinator of the third, Joint Action on cancer control, entitled innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer (iPAAC) -(online)
Relevant documents:
- ECPC Conference 2022 Booklet- May 27th
- Agenda of the ECPC General Meeting – May 28th
- Guest KIT with all the information you need before & after your arrival in Brussels.
ECPC Annual General Meeting 2022 – May 28th
- ECPC Action Plan 2022
- Financial Report 2021
- Financial Report 2020
- Annual Report 2021
- Annual Report 2020
ECPC Extraordinary Annual General Meeting 2022 – July 22nd
ECPC Annual Congress and AGM 2019
ECPC Annual Congress and Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Renaissance Hotel, Brussels
7 – 9 June 2019
Friday, 7th June
09:30 – 13:00 Pre-congress Workshops & Events
- Social Disparities in Cancer (ROOM: Luxembourg/The Hague)
- Urological Cancers (ROOM: Warsaw)
- Rare Cancers (ROOM: Copenhagen/Essen)
13:00 – 14:30 Registration (ROOM: Foyer 1)
14:30 – 15:00 Opening Session moderated by Tamsin Rose (ROOM: Ball Room 1 + 2)
Chaired by ECPC President, Francesco de Lorenzo
Welcome word by MEP Lieve Wierinck
15:00 – 15:30 European Commission Proposal on Health Technology Assessment Cooperation and Patient Involvement in HTA
Flora Giorgio, Head of Sector HTA, DG SANTE, European Commission
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break and group photo
16:00 – 16:30 Work-Life Balance Directive and European Pillar of Social Rights, from regulation to implementation
Efi Anastasiou, European Commission, DG EMPL
16:30 – 17:00 The era of new advanced cancer diagnostics
Marc van den Bulcke, Head of Service, Cancer Centre, Sciensano
17:00 – 17:30 Closing of the day
19:00 – 22:00 Dinner (ROOM: Ball Room 1 + 2)
Saturday, 8th June
09:00 – 09:30 Registration to the Congress (ROOM: Foyer 1)
09:30 – 09:40 Introduction to the programme of the day moderated by Tamsin Rose (ROOM: Ball Room 1 + 2)
09:40 – 10:15 ECPC’s highlights and achievements of the past year
ECPC President, Francesco de Lorenzo
10:15 – 11:00 Social Disparities & Work-Life Balance Directive moderated by Tamsin Rose
Chaired by: Kathi Apostolidis, Vice-President ECPC and Francoise Meunier, Vice-President FEAM
- Europe of Social Disparities
Antonella Cardone, ECPC Director
Roberto De Miro, Chair of the ECPC Legal Network for Cancer Patients
- Embracing Carers
Mihaela Militaru, Senior Director, EU Patient Advocacy, Merck Group
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break (ROOM: Foyer 1)
11:30 – 13:00 Digital Health moderated by Tamsin Rose (ROOM: Ball Room 1 + 2)
Chaired by Ken Matris, ECPC Board Member
Roma Maguire, Professor of Digital Health and Care, University of Strathclyde
(due to confidential character of the ppt, the document will not be uploaded)
Introduction to Digital Health
Kathi Apostolidis, ECPC Board Member
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch buffet (ROOM:Lisbon/Madrid/Essen/Copenhagen/Warsaw)
14:30 – 15:30 Personalised medicine moderated by Tamsin Rose
(ROOM: Ball Room 1 + 2)
Chaired by Matti Järvinen, ECPC Board Member
European Liquid Biopsy Academy
Danijela Koppers-Lalic, VU Medical Center, Cancer Center Amsterdam
(due to confidential character of the ppt, the document will not be uploaded)
What is biobanking and why it matters to cancer patients? Diagnostics, genomics and personalized medicine
Francesco Florindi, Strategy and Partnership Manager, BBMRI-ERIC
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 16:30 HTA Educational module
Max Schravendeel, Health & Research Officer, ECPC
16:30 – 17:00 Malnutrition and Cancer
Isabelle Manneh, Head of Health & Research Programmes, ECPC
17:00 – 17:30 Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
19:15 – 23:00 Dinner (ROOM: Ball Room 1 + 2)
Sunday, 9th June
09:00 – 10:00 ECPC Members share their best practices (ROOM: Ball Room 1 + 2)
Chaired by Maude Andersson, ECPC Board Member
10:00 – 10:30 ECPC Website and Social Media presentation
Clémence Morinière, Communication and Partnerships Manager, ECPC
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break (ROOM: Foyer 1)
11:00 – 13:00 Annual General Meeting (AGM) (ROOM: Ball Room 1 + 2)
11:00 – 11:15 Introduction to the new Director and Activity Report
11:15 – 11:30 Financial Report, Audit Committee
Pietro Presti, Audit Committee Chair, ECPC
Antonella Cardone, Director, ECPC
11:30 – 11:45 2019 Action Plan, Antonella Cardone, Director, ECPC
11:45 – 12:00 2019 Budget, Antonella Cardone, Director, ECPC
12:00 – 12:15 AGM Release of responsibility of the current board
12:15 – 12:45 The past President introduces the new board
12:45 – 13:00 Conclusions and closing of the AGM
Annual Report 2019
Financial Report 2019
Budget 2019
Audit Report 2019
ECPC Annual Congress and AGM 2018
ECPC Annual Congress 2018
8 – 10 June 2018
Hotel Renaissance
Brussels, Belgium
From 8-10 June, 210 stakeholders from 156 organisations and 35 countries gathered in Brussels for the 2018 Annual Congress of the European Cancer Patient Coalition. Representatives from patient organisations, academia, health professionals, and industry met to discuss communication, health technology assessment, immuno-oncology therapy, and survivorship. Members of the European Cancer Patient Coalition were also selected to share their best practices, successes, and challenges.
The President of the European Cancer Patient Coalition, Francesco De Lorenzo, presented some of the Coalition’s successes in 2017. The Coalition actively participated in the European Commission public consultation on the future of Health Technology Assessment, were co-authors of the European Commission’s “CanCon European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control”, and successfully advocated for improvements to the World Health Organisation’s 2017 Cancer Resolution. The Coalition is very proud to be invited to join the European Commission’s Innovative Partnership Action Against Cancer, which has just been launched. The European Cancer Patient Coalition is one of the few cancer patient organisations directly involved in research. In 2017, the Coalition was an active member of two Innovative Medicines Initiative projects, four Horizon 2020 projects, and one Seventh Framework Programme project.
“These results are an important achievement for all Members of the European Cancer Patient Coalition. The ultimate mission of our organisation is to listen to our Members and represent them at the European level.” said Francesco De Lorenzo, President of the European Cancer Patient Coalition. “Each one of our Members are essential for the work of our organisation, and I warmly thank all of them for their tireless work to support Europeans affected by cancer.”
In a session chaired by European Cancer Patient Coalition Vice President, Kathi Apostolidis, participants discussed the current situation and future EU cooperation on Health Technology Assessment. A draft online educational module for patient organisations, developed by the European Cancer Patient Coalition, was presented for feedback. Furthermore, there were presentations on reimbursement, how to create a win-win situation, and the European Commission’s proposal for stronger EU cooperation on Health Technology Assessment.
This event was held under high patronage of the Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium, the European Parliament, and the European Commission. In a video message from the European Commissioner of Health & Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis stated “Cancer patients across Europe regrettably face disparities and delays in accessing innovative technologies that work, therefore I think that the focus on Health Technology Assessment for this Annual Conference is excellent. This is a very important and very relevant issue. I believe that EU cooperation has clear potential to facilitate innovative technologies across Europe that truly provide patients with the best treatment available for their specific conditions. The European Parliament and Council are currently discussing the Commission’s proposal on HTA. This is the moment that the constructive input of the European Cancer Patient Coalition and all patient organisations is of crucial importance. I would like to thank you for your continued engagement and strong support on our HTA proposal.”
Message from EU Commissioner for Health Vytenis Andriukaitis to all ECPC Members
Speakers’ presentations
FRIDAY 8 JUNE – Annual Congress
ECPC’s Achievements in the past year
- ECPC President, Board and Secretariat
Communicating with People affected by Cancer past
SATURDAY 9 JUNE – Annual Congress
Panel I: Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
HTA online education module
Overall aims
Presentation of the animation
Introduction to the purpose of the session
Module Content Overview
Module structure, functionality and supporting booklet
“Guided Tour” of each chapter of the module
- Katie Hamilton, Costello Medical
HTA and reimbursement
- Irina Cleemput, Belgian HealthCare Knowledge Institute
Overview of the European Commission’s HTA proposal
- Ioana Siska, European Commission, DG SANTE
How to create a win-win solution
Panel II: Immuno-oncology therapies & molecular testing
The basics of tumour immunology
- Leif Hakansson, Chairman of the CDDF Board of Directors
Molecular testing in the era of personalised medicine
- Nicola Normanno, Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori
Panel III: Cancer Carers
ECPC White Paper on Cancer Carers
- Francesco De Lorenzo, ECPC President
Eurocarers Cancer Carers Toolkit, produced in collaboration with ECPC
- Claire Champeix, Policy Officer at Eurocarers
Panel IV: ESMO-ECPC Survivorship Guide
- Kathi Apostolidis, ECPC Vice-President
- Francoise Meunier, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer
ECPC Members share their best practices, successes and challenges
01. Czech Republic: Mamma Help
02. Finland: PROPO
03. Greece: Alma Zois Athens
04. Greece: SYKAFIAR
05. Greece and Turkey: Karkinaki and Pembe Hanim #ECPC2018
06. Latvia
07. Poland: Polish Cancer Patient Coalition
08. Romania: Romanian Association for Services and Communication in Oncology (APSCO)
09. Spain: Spanish Organisation Against Cancer (AECC)
10. Turkey: Hope and Life Association
SUNDAY 10 JUNE – General Assembly Meeting
Presentation of the 2017 Annual Report
- Francesco De Lorenzo, ECPC President
Presentation of the 2017 Financial Report
- Andrew Winterbottom, ECPC Treasurer
Budget 2018
Audit Report 2018
ECPC Annual Congress and AGM 2017
ECPC welcomed more than 180 participants to the 2017 Annual General Meeting. This yearly event has grown to become the largest patient gathering in Europe and this year had the pleasure of hosting participants from 141 different organisations from 42 different countries, offering a strong mix of knowledge, experiences and ideas.The event, which took place in Brussels from 16 – 18 June, included presentations from key activists in Oncopolicy, included input from members on national activities, much lively discussion, an interactive workshop and great networking opportunities.
Before the opening ceremony there were 3 pre-meetings, providing an opportunity for the ECPC Working Group on Rare Cancers (WGRC), ECPC Working Group on Bladder Cancer (WGBC) and ECPC Legal Network for Cancer Patients (LNCP) to meet face-to-face in order to strengthen future collaboration. The Working Group on Rare Cancers received a great deal of new interest, welcoming 13 new members.
The Opening Ceremony on the Friday 16 June welcomed all participants, introduced ECPC’s Board members and Director and summarised ECPC’s achievements in the past year. This introductory session was followed by a gala dinner which promoted peer support and initiated cross-country networks.
Saturday 17 June encompassed a tightly packed agenda, kicking off with presentations on CanCon (Cancer Control Joint Action), introducing the European guide on quality improvement and covering expert recommendations on its uses, limitations and application at national level. The focus was then shifted to the topic of Nutrition; analysing the results of the ECPC Nutrition and Cancer patient survey and highlighting the importance of nutritional support for cancer patients.
After lunch, participants and speakers discussed increasing patient involvement in cancer research and treatment, during which the Memorandum of Understanding between ECPC and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer was signed.
This session was followed by a new initiative where ECPC members were given the opportunity to share best practices and national experiences. During the discussion which followed it became apparent that this session was truly valued, by way of introducing our member organisations to one another and highlighting areas of work for potential collaboration.
This was followed by the discussion on cost-effectiveness in cancer research and care in reflection of a patient survey on financial issues surrounding cancer treatment. The final session of the day was on cancer rehabilitation and self-management, encompassing a talk on the benefits of behavioural therapy and physical exercise for people with cancer and a practical workshop on guided self-care relaxation and mindfulness; supporting our participants to wind down after an intensive, productive and fruitful day before heading into dinner.
Sunday 18 June was a closed session for members only; ECPC’s General Assembly. ECPC’s board presented the annual and financial reports, strategy for the upcoming year and requested ECPC members to vote to approve actions.
ECPC is delighted with the success of the event showed, once again, that the patient voice is getting stronger.
Speakers’ presentations
FRIDAY 16 JUNE – Opening Ceremony
ECPC’s Achievements in the past year
- ECPC President, Board and Secretariat
ECPC’s Policy Work - Annalisa Trama, Coordination Team, Institutio Nazionale dei Tumori
The Joint Action on Rare Cancers - Isabelle Huys:
Patient preferences in benefit-risk assessments
SATURDAY 17 JUNE – Annual Meeting
Panel I: Joint Action on Cancer Control
- Tit Albreht
European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comphrehensive Cancer Control - Stefan Rauh
ESMO recommendations on survivorship - Francesco De Lorenzo How ECPC Members can use CanCon at the national level
- Mark Lawler Policy paper on disinvestment
PANEL II – Nutrition
- Maurizio Muscaritoli
Results of the ECPC Nutrition and Cancer patient survey - Alessio Molfino Strategies to promote energy balance in people with cancer
- Francesco De Lorenzo Nutritional support for cancer patients: still a neglected right?
PANEL III: Increasing patient involvement in cancer research and treatment
- Denis Lacombe
The importance of European clinical trials and how ECPC Members can get involved - Françoise Meunier: Cancer survivors should not pay twice
- Andrew Bottomley Health-related quality of life issues facing people with cancer
Listening to ECPC Members
- Alma Zois
Defending the rights of cancer patients in Western Greece - Association of Cancer Patients in Finland
Defending the rights of cancer patients – the Finnish way - East Galway & Midlands Cancer Support Defending the rights of cancer patients with The Step Study
- ELLOK Adopting & transposing ECPC cancer policy at national level
- European Lung Foundation
Lung cancer website - Gliobastoma Multiforme Group
Coming soon
- Karkinaki Placing childhood cancer care on the map
- Lung Cancer Europe Defending the rights of Lung cancer patients
- MOHA How to partner with decision-makers?
- Pembe Hanim and Metamazon How solidarity and effective advocacy weathered the tamoxifen crisis in Turkey
- Hope and Life Association Engaging the public in Cancer awareness campaigns
Cost-effectiveness in cancer research and care
- Wim H Van Harten Patient survery on financial issues surrounding cancer treatment
- Neil K. Aaronson The benefits of behavioural therapy and physical excercise for people with cancer
SUNDAY 18 JUNE – General Assembly Meeting
- Francesco de Lorenzo Presentation of the 2016 Annual Report
- Andrew Winterbottom Presentation of the 2016 Financial Report
Budget 2017
Audit Report 2017
ECPC Annual General Meeting 2016
”Advancing the Rights of Cancer Survivors”
Event organised under the high patronage of EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis
From 3rd to 5th June 2016
Brussels, Belgium
Hotel Renaissance
Speakers’ presentations
ECPC President, Board and Secretariat
PRESENTATION – ECPC 2013 – 2016: What have we achieved in the past three years?
Martin Seychell – Deputy Director General, DG SANTE, European Commission
Message from the European Commission
Prof. Jane Maher – MacMillan’s Chief Medical Officer
Macmillan – Information for patients at its best
Martin Inderbitzin – Initiatior of “My Survival Story” project
Presentation of ‘My Survival Story’ project
Session 1: Honouring Cancer Survivors
Prof. Francesco De Lorenzo – President of ECPC
ECPC – ESMO Collaboration: Survivorship and update of ESMO Guidelines
Regine Kiasuwa Mbengi – Belgian Cancer Centre, Scientific Institute of Public Health
CanCon WP 8 Survivorship and Rehabilitation
Isabelle Lebrocquy – oPuce
Seda Kansu – Founder of Pembe Hanim Cancer Patient Organisation, Turkey
The Relay of Life – presentation
Dr Lars Hjorth – Project Coordinator
The PanCare Network and its EU related projects
Session 2: Understanding Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
Prof. Bruno Flamion – Head of the Laboratory of Physiology and Pharmacology, Molecular Physiology Research Unit, University of Namur
What is HTA and why patients should be involved?
Karen Facey – PhD, Usher Institute of Population, Health Science and Informatics, University of Edinburgh
How can patients improve HTA decision making?
Wim Goettsch – Leader of EUnetHTA Joint Action 3
European Network for Health Technology Assessment (EUnetHTA): Is a centralised HTA procedure for Europe feasible?
Prof. Francesco De Lorenzo – President of ECPC
ECPC triggering change: our contribution to the revision of Regulation 726/2004
Session 3: Joint Action on Rare Cancers
Dr. Annalisa Trama – Fondazione IRCCS Instituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano, Member of JARC, coordinating team
The Joint Action on Rare Cancers
Session 4: Value of Innovation in Oncology
Francesco Florindi – ECPC Public Affairs Coordinator
Value of Innovation in oncology. Accesing new medicines – faster, better
Session 5: ECPC-OECI Joint Declaration
Patrick Miqueu, PhD, Project Manager, Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels
Francesco Florindi – ECPC Public Affairs Coordinator
Towards a Joint Declaration
Session 6: M-HEALTH and E-HEALTH: Understanding the Future of Cancer Care
Kathi Apostolidis – ECPC Vice President
Dee O’Sullivan – Managing Direcor of
mHealth and eHealth: Understanding the Future of Cancer Care
Dave de Bronkart – Leader of the Participatory Medicine Movement
General Assembly Meeting
Mihaela Militaru – ECPC Director
Presentation of the Financial Report
Budget 2016
ECPC Annual General Meeting 2015
Speakers’ Presentations
Opening Session
European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Dr Vytenis Andriukaitis
Video Message to the ECPC AGM 2015
Prof Francesco De Lorenzo
The added value of ECPC policy work
Ms Shirley Bianca
Message of Hope (videopresentation)
Music from the album “The Story in Mind” composed by Kai-nan Huang, performed by Paul Cibis
Session 1: The role of medical nutrition during and after cancer treatment
Prof Maurizio Muscaritoli
Results of the ECPC Nutrition project and future developments
Prof Andre’ Van Gossum
The role of nutrition in fighting cancer
Katharina Stang
Importance of nutrition for pancreatic cancer
Natacha Bolanos
ECPC Survey on Nutrition: Best models for dissemination – The example of GEPAC, Spain
Session 2: Immuno-Oncology: promises, advantages and risks of the 4th pillar of cancer therapy
Prof Burcak Karaka
The role of immuno-oncology in the future of cancer treatments
Prof Heinz Zwierzina
CDDF: a multistakeholder collaboration to speed up access of European patients to immuno-oncology therapies
Szymon Chrostowski
A European Citizens’ Coalition for Immuno-Oncology
Francesco Florindi
ECPC educational initiatives in the field of Immuno-Oncology
Session 3: Clinical Trials
Anastassia Negrouk
Clinical Trials 101: the basics behind clinical research
Laura Pioppo
EU clinical trials portal and Union database – EMA’s cooperation with stakeholders
Prof Nora Kearney
eSMART: mHealth in cancer supportive care
Mateusz Tylicki
How to find clinical trials: ECPC search engine
Session 4: Inequalities in cancer care: input from the ECPC members on the first draft of the paper on “Europe of Disparities”
Prof Mark Lawler
Europe of Disparities
Session 5: EuroCanPlatform Project
Dr Julio E. Celis
What will EuroCanPlatform mean to both patients and institutions
Session 6: Hanover Communications’ top tips for improving the social media engagement of patient organisations
Davide Marchi
Social Media Tips for Cancer Patients’ Associations
Financial Report 2015
Budget 2015
Audit Report 2015
AGM Minutes 2015
ECPC Annual General Meeting 2014
Speakers Presentations
Opening session
Ms Lynn Faulds-Woods
The principles on which ECPC was established
Prof Francesco De Lorenzo
Building on our 10-year legacy
Session 1: Patients ask policy makers:can all Europeans access cancer care?
Prof Mark Lawler, Project Lead, European Cancer Concord (ECC)
A catalyst for change: The European Cancer Patient’s Bill of Rights The European Cancer Patient’s Bill of Rights
Mr Antoni Montserrat
The Commissions’ perspective on tackling inequalities in cancer care in Europe in cancer care in Europe
Session 2: Patient empowerment starts with knowledge
Ms Nathalie Bere, Stakeholder & Communication Division, European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Patient involvement in medicines evaluation within the European Medicines Agency European Medicines Agency
Prof Peter Riegman – Leader of WP10 ‘Biobanking’ of Eurocanplatform
The importance of Biobanking in Cancer- patient’s perspective
Ms Maggie Wilcox – Independent Cancer Patients’ Voice
The importance of Biobanking in Cancer- patient’s perspective
Session 3: Access to cancer care
Prof. Dr. Ion-Christian Chiricuta, Amethyst Radiotherapy Clinic (Romania)
The importance of access to radiotherapy
Ana-Maria Forsea, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest
The importance of evidence: Cancer registration
Session 4: Cancer patient rights: tools for advocacy
Ms Kathi Apostolidis
The Cross-border Healthcare Directive – A myth or a fallacy ?
ECPC Members take the floor
Elisabetta Ianelli – FAVO (Italy)
Olympia Bitrou – AgaliaZO (Greece)
Hein Jambroers (The Netherlands)
Marie-Marthe Bruck-Clees – A Heart for Cancer Sick Children (Luxembourg)
Andreja C. Škufca Smrdel, Marija Vegelj Pirc, Blaž Bajec – Cancer Patients’ Association Of Slovenia (Slovenia) Cancer Patients’ Association Of Slovenia (Slovenia)
P.A.V.E.L. (Romania)
Budget 2014
Audit Report 2014
ECPC Annual General Meeting 2013
Budget 2013
Action Plan 2013
Minutes 2013
ECPC Annual General Meeting 2012
Budget 2012
Audit Report 2012
Action Plan 2012
ECPC Annual General Meeting 2011
Budget 2011
Audit Report 2011
Action Plan 2011
ECPC Annual General Meeting 2010
Budget 2010
Audit Report 2010
Action Plan 2010
ECPC Annual General Meeting 2009
Budget 2009
Action Plan 2009