InSup-C is the Clinical proof concept through a randomised phase II study using a combination of immunotherapy and stereotactic ablative radiotherapy as a curative treatment for limited metastatic lung cancer. Palliative care involves an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness. However, problems including fragmentation of services and late referrals to palliative care prevent many patients from receiving the palliative care they need at the right time and right place.
The project is funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. InSup-C investigates patient‐centred palliative care pathways in advanced cancer and chronic disease. The research project was carried out between November 2012 to January 2016, closed project.
InSup-C aimed at the optimisation of palliative care delivery in Europe, anticipating current and future health care needs. As palliative care is delivered in numerous settings where patients with advanced disease live and die (at home, hospital, hospice, residence homes), the optimisation of palliative care effects improves health service delivery in many types of European health care institutions. Patients can experience burdensome transfers in the last three months of life, preferred place of death is often not achieved, treatment choices in this phase of disease vary, and family caregivers can be overburdened.
In this project, it was considered in particular how health services in European countries can improve the integration of palliative care in treatment pathways, patient care networks and institutional collaborations. The project aimed to identify and to describe the integration of palliative care services by means of a detailed literature review and the development of a taxonomy of integrated palliative care. Patient and caregiver experiences within integrated palliative care initiatives across Europe have been investigated together with the organisational, managerial, financial and regulatory aspects of these service deliveries.
The aim was to use the results used for a strategic benchmark on integrated palliative care that identifies requirements of best/ good, and promising practices within Europe. Best practices were expected to combine optimal strategies for high quality of palliative care delivery with an effective and efficient organisation of care within the local context. Transfer of knowledge was supported by the European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC Onlus) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) and included –amongst others- a website, an e-learning module, and a book. The results of the project aim to contribute to the care for European patients with advanced cancer and chronic disease.
ECPC’s Role
As the largest cancer patients’ organisation in Europe, ECPC has been invited to oversee the InSup-C work, providing horizontal support to the project, ensuring that the patients’ perspective is overall respected throughout the different work packages.
InSup-C is funded by the Seventh Framework Program (FP7): the European Union’s Research and Innovation for 2007-2013, Project N° 305555.