TeamECPC is an open community of committed runners and sportsmen/women, who want to add a new meaning to their physical effort. Since 2013, TeamECPC participated in sport events across Europe to raise awareness on cancer. Every year we choose to support patients belonging to a determined group, in order to give focus and thrust to our sportive initiatives.
This year TeamECPC will run to raise awareness of head and neck cancer as it is currently a chronically under-diagnosed disease with poor outcomes. If treated early, patients can have an 80 – 90% survival rate. By working with patients and doctors to promote early diagnosis and treatment, patient outcomes can be significantly improved.
ECPC has been actively involved in the MAKE SENSE CAMPAIGN for the last two years. The MAKE SENSE CAMPAIGN raises awareness of head and neck cancer, and last year it coordinated free head and neck cancer screenings for people all over Europe. 122 clinics opened their doors to the public and over 11,500 people were able to get access to expert health advice. Additionally, 225,000 educational leaflets were distributed that communicated signs and symptoms.
Head and neck cancer survivors are valuable members of the society. With our humble effort, we want to increase awareness on this curable disease and show what cancer survivors can do. The TeamECPC running season will peak in September, during the head and neck cancers’ awareness week, when ECPC will launch a video featuring a choir formed by laryngectomees (those who have had their larynx removed because of head and neck cancer). We believe that regardless of the type of medical, social, or emotional barriers that can affect people, everyone has a voice that deserves to be heard. It’s empowering and uplifting to see the choir members embrace this fact, even when they have no larynx.
With YOUR support we can take our message to more people, raising awareness of the disease, and ultimately improving outcomes for patients across Europe.
To do this, the first step will be to collect the money necessary to produce the video.
Join TeamECPC and help us raising the resources needed to help head and neck cancer patients having a stronger, louder voice in Europe.
You can donate by joining the Team and adding up a donation to the runs’ application fee in the following account:
Bank name: ING Belgium
Bank address: Rue d’Arlon, 26, 1050, Bruxelles, Belgique
Account number: IBAN: BE65 3631 2665 8596
Check the list of runs where TeamECPC will take part to in 2015, and write to to register.
You are not into running? No worries: you can still donate through our PayPal account (click here)
Make a favour to your body, your soul and your society: join TeamECPC and help the largest cancer patients’ association defending the rights of more than 10 million cancer patients in Europe.