
The JRC has released 10 new evidence-based recommendations on how mammogram results and follow-up appointments should be communicated to women within screening programmes.

These newly-published ECIBC (European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer) recommendations indicate information needs during the screening process. They also contribute to the design of effective breast cancer screening programmes and to better informing women about their options. Early diagnosis of breast cancer through organised screening programmes can lead to more effective treatments and higher survival rates. 

Each recommendation is speficially tailored to the needs of citizens and patients, health professionals, and policy makers. All recommendations are based on the female population at ‘average’ and ‘below average’ risk of developing breast cancer. 

When women participate in breast cancer screening programmes, they are invited for mammography. The results of this test can be negative (i.e. everything looks fine and no suspicious lesions are detected) or further assessment could be needed.

In either case, the way that this information is communicated to women can have a strong impact on their quality of life and general well-being, especially in terms of the levels of stress and anxiety they experience. It can also influence their future participation and trust in breast cancer screening initiatives. 

The ECIBC consists of two expert working groups, the GDV-Guidelines Development Group, that works on developing the guidelines and the QASDG-Quality  Assurance Scheme Development Group, working on developing the requirements for the quality assurance and the Quality Assurance Scheme. ECPC participates in the ECIBC/QASDG with its President, Kathi Apostolidis. 

You can access the ECIBC recommendations by choosing the desired profile from the three main tabs (patient, professional, policy maker), and selecting the topic of interest to reach the recommendations in response to the question of concern.