Please note our office will be closed from the 24th of December until the 6th of January.
The President Francesco de Lorenzo, the ECPC Board and the Secretariat wish You a wonderful holiday season and every success and happiness in the New Year!
The European Cancer Patient Coalition would also like to take this opportunity to welcome the new Director Antonella Cardone.
“It is time for me to hand over the role of ECPC Director onto my successor, Antonella Cardone. With her vision of modern governance, empowered staff, and engaged Members, I am sure that she will lead the organisation to new heights.” – Outgoing ECPC Director Lydia Makaroff
“As I join towards the end of the year I would like to celebrate all the achievements of the European Cancer Patient Coalition and our members’ contributions over the years towards our united vision for a Europe of equality.I look forward to having the opportunity to meet many of you in person in June at the ECPC Annual Congress 2019 taking place in Brussels, Belgium.”