The European Partnership for Action Against Cancer (EPAAC) was launched in 2009, after the European Commission published its Communication on Action Against Cancer: European Partnership.
The specificity of the Partnership was to bring together in a unique partnership stakeholders such as national health ministries, EU policy-makers, regional agencies, professional organisations, patient groups, health NGOs and interest groups and industry (36 associated partners and over 100 collaborating partners) from the entire cancer area in Europe. The main objective was to support member states in the development of the National Cancer Plans and contribute to the reduction of the cancer burden in the EU through actions in various fields.
The Partnership run from February 2011 until February 2014 and it was took forward through a Joint Action confinanced by the EU Health Programme.
The Joint Action was concluded in February 2014 and its work has been upheld by a second Joint Action: the EU Joint Action on Cancer Control – CANCON.To know more about the EPAAC final deliverables, click here