
For the European Cancer Patient Coalition, capacity building has two fundamental components: build our Members’ capacity to improve the lives of people affected by cancer, and also help our Members to provide information to the people they support. This is the case with a workshop prepared in collaboration with the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) with a focus on clinical trials.

Clinical trials are vital to advance research on new treatment approaches. In many cases this research allows people to access cancer care that is not yet available in their country.

This course is designed specifically for people diagnosed with cancer, their carers, and patient advocates, to help them build their understanding. How does cancer develop and how is it diagnosed and treated? What are clinical trials? How do they work? How does a person enrol in a clinical trial? What are the pros and cons of being enrolled? What is the European Union doing to control clinical trials, safeguard its citizens’ health and promote scientific research?

The goal of this course is to provide high level cancer patient advocates with a stimulating, interactive, and challenging two-day training experience leading to a much greater understanding of the whole clinical trials process. Participation in this course is enabling our Members to learn more about cancer biology; personalized cancer treatment and care; the organisation of clinical research; and very importantly, how patient groups can become more involved in the design and implementation of clinical trials.

ECPC Members are actively participating in this course, including the Hellenic Cancer Federation Greece, Association of Cancer Patients in Finland, Community Health Association Romania, Myeloma Euronet Romania, Pembe Hanim Turkey, Dutch Breast Cancer Association, Study Group Brain Tumours Belgium, Israel Cancer Association, International Brain Tumour Alliance, and Sarcoma Patients EuroNet.

