On the 17th March we mirrored EMA news reporting the theft of vials of the cancer medicine Herceptin (trastuzumab).
Today, the EMA notified us and published an update on the matter.
EMA made public that in addition to initial findings concerning Herceptin, vials of two other medicines, Alimta (pemetrexed) and Remicade (infliximab), are now also confirmed as being part of the theft.
For Herceptin, in addition to batch numbers H4311B07, H4329B01, H4284B04, H4319B02, H4324B03, H4196B01, H4271B01, H4301B09 and H4303B01, previously communicated, the following batch numbers are now also confirmed to be concerned: H4143B01, H4293B01, H4180B01 and N1010B02.
For Alimta, the following batch numbers are known to be concerned: C134092E, C021161E and C160908C.
For Remicade, the following batch numbers are known to be concerned: 3RMA66304, 3RMA67102, 3RMA68106 and 3RMA67602.
For more information, please click here.