The Innovative Medicines Initiative’s
Big Data for Better Outcomes Programme
“In data we trust: Towards outcomes-based healthcare in Europe”
11 October 2018, 12:00 to 18:00, Brussels
This stakeholder meeting is invite only and it will focus around the idea that in Europe, there is a considerable amount of patient and healthcare data available with much more on the horizon. These data sources are often siloed and represent only a partial record of a patient’s experience in the healthcare system. When such different data sources are linked together, they offer a richer, more complete source of clinical patient data and have an enormous potential to make healthcare delivery more efficient, personalised and to improve health outcomes.
However, is there enough trust from all stakeholders to realise the full potential of Big Data? How can Big Data make healthcare systems sustainable? What steps can be taken to ensure that the use of Big Data will meet the expectations patients and citizens have of their healthcare system and improve health outcomes?
Lydia Makaroff, ECPC’s Director will be a keynote speaker at the event and Isabelle Manneh, ECPC’s Head of Health and Research will also be attending.
The meeting’s agenda can be found here.
BD4BO DO-IT is a two-year project funded by the European Commission’s Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) 2 programme launched to facilitate the transition towards outcomes-focused healthcare systems across Europe. The Coordination and Support Action will run from February 2017 to February 2019.
ECPC is collaborating with European expert patient groups to develop informed consent forms, minimum data privacy standards, and supporting materials for the BD4BO overarching projects. We have also been collaborating with partners within the project in drafting of the DO-IT Clinical and Non-Clinical, as well as Biobanking Informed Consent Forms (ICFs) and leading on coordinating a focus group to review the documents and provide critical insight to further develop the ICFs by integrating patient experts’ input.