Dear Member of the European Parliament’s BECA Committee,
We are very grateful for the attention that has been given to Prostate Cancer in the amendments on the draft report on Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy.
With an ageing population, Prostate Cancer is silently becoming an increasing healthcare burden in Europe. It is now the most frequent male cancer in Europe with important consequences for healthcare systems. Every year, approximately 450 000 European men are diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Prostate cancer was the cause of death of an increasing number of men, up to 107 000 men in Europe in 2018 and the disease causes many emotional and social problems for patients and their families. There can be no successful EU cancer plan without the specific measures to combat Prostate Cancer.
We have reviewed the amendments and we are very supportive of all amendments that push for the addition of Prostate Cancer in the 2022 update of the screening recommendations:
Nine amendments (615,625,642,643,649,650,651,662 & 663) call for the addition of Prostate Cancer to screening/early detection guidance at European level. We are delighted that this issue has been addressed by so many Members and groups.
In particular, there is significant support from MEPs of a broad range of political groups for amendments 642, 643, 649 and 650, which we believe could be the appropriate collective way forward for ensuring support during votes on amendments on the issue of early detection of Prostate Cancer.
We are also very optimistic about the mention of EU awareness-raising campaigns in amendments 670, 672, 673, 674,675, 676 aimed at encouraging research into behavioural adherence factors to boost participation in screening.
We are, as well, very supportive of amendment 1499 which highlights the important issue of stigma associated with some cancers, such as prostate cancer.
We remain at your disposal for follow-up questions and clarifications. We thank you for your cooperation.
With best wishes,
Prof. Hein Van Poppel, Chair of Policy Office, European Association of Urology
Andre Deschamps, Chair, Europa Uomo
Ken Mastris, President, European Cancer Patient Coalition
Prof. Monique Roobol, Principal Investigator, European Randomised Study on Prostate Cancer Screening