Aliki Stathopoulou
Senior Health and Research Officer
What this (really) means?
Under her role, she works with the various project files of the organisation, contributes to EU and industry-funded projects, and establishes good working relations with key stakeholders.
Aliki graduated from the Biology Department, University of Crete, Greece, and she holds a Ph.D. from the Medical School, University of Crete, Greece. Her main scientific interests, as depicted in her Ph.D. thesis and post-doctoral research, were focused on the design, development, and evaluation (clinical and analytical) of highly sensitive molecular diagnostic methods for Breast Cancer patients. Aliki has a previous 16 years of experience in the fields of Public Health and Quality Assurance, working as an Accreditation Manager for the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD) and she has a proven track record in liaising and working with stakeholders, partnerships, and scientific networks related to healthcare at the national and Pan-European level, and, as well, publishing reports and guidelines on Health Care issues. Since 2015 she has been nominated as a member of the Quality Assurance Scheme Development Group (QASDG) of the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC) and since March 2022 as an expert for the Certification and Conformity Assessment Activities subgroups of the European Commission Initiative on Colorectal Cancer (ECICC).
Why Cancer?
Because, as Cancer has become a leading cause of death worldwide, I strongly believe that, supporting and informing Cancer patients and caregivers and providing valuable input into healthcare decision-making processes, is a mission for the ‘greater good’.